Two unlikely friends with a ten year age gap, Clementine and Allison, face problems from the harsh, judgmental world, and find solace in their weird but loving friendship.
Clementine (19) and Allison (29), are close friends with a ten year age gap. A painfully honest art school drop out, Clementine wants to lose her virginity, just not to that sad sack Liam, the only guy she knows currently up for the job. Successful and direct, Allison is somehow just as clueless as Clementine. Killing it at her job despite office sexism, but not feeling as secure about being single in her late 20s. Allison questions where she has put her priorities in the last 9 years. In these 10 minute episodes these women help each other through awkward encounters with peers and love interests, offering perspectives from both sides of the millennial divide. Together finding a respect and loyalty that neither has experienced before.